• Horrific attacks have been perpetuated on the citizens of Portland, presumably by right wing thugs/bashers. The victims have mostly been LGBTQ/GNC folks. The first attack was during the snowstorm; a group of people ran up behind a woman and hit her in the head with a baseball bat near the IWW hall, knocking her unconscious and then began to kick her. She was left in the snow for an indeterminate amount of time and was picked up by an ambulance in the small hours of the morning.
More victims were attacked in the next few days with a similar method of being hit in the back of the head with a blunt wooden object and then kicked while they are on the ground semi or unconscious.
Since then, both sides of the community has reacted. Antifascists and other community defenders have stepped up in a multitude of ways. From fundraising to offering safe rides to helping set up security systems for marginalized community members. As expected, transphobes spammed our comrade’s fundraising campaign with false reports until it was closed, making the funds unavailable to her. Reach out to any local org if you’d like to donate to her and other victim’s medical and recovery expenses. Ideally, these efforts will hinder the bashers from further violence. On the right-wing side, a couple fascists appear to be claiming to take responsibility for the attacks, and then deleting the tweets (presumably, in a storm of regret). Blessed be the snipping tool, saver of receipts.
Thankfully, all victims are expected to be be alright. There is also a massive effort underway to identify the attackers. Any relevant information should be forwarded to your local, trusted Antifascist organization (Femmes Strike Back, SHARPs, RCA, Eugene Antifa, Etc.). In the meantime, take extra precautions like traveling in pairs and sharing your plans and itineraries with others. It also doesn’t hurt to pick up some sort of self defense weapon and practice using it. Also, don’t wear earbuds.
• Community Defender Luis Marquez was found Not Guilty on accusations of theft stemming from an altercation with a fascist on June 3rd, 2018. The state brought charges against him after he tried to draw attention away from an elderly fascist who was preoccupied with hitting people with his monopod after inserting himself into the black bloc. The fascist’s and state’s defense was picked apart easily by Luis’s defense attorney; who notably called out the disruptive behavior of fascists as they sat in the gallery. After several days of Trial, Luis walked a free man and the fascists slunked their head away in shame.

The rest of the community is also invited to more court support dates (to be announced shortly) as more comrades have their liberty threatened by the state. Even the worst of outcomes is a bit more palatable when you are surrounded by solidarity.
• Patriot Prayer is splintering. It seems as if almost every hour we receive new updates regarding the dissolution of the PNW far right (for better – or worse). Junior grifter Haley Adams appears to have caused a divide in Joey Gibson’s followers; hindering them all from effective organizing.
Turns out, doxxing your boys doesn’t make for a cohesive movement. This is still continuing, looking forward to updating y’all next week.